Class SystemPropertyJvmRouteFactory

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class SystemPropertyJvmRouteFactory
    extends Object
    implements JvmRouteFactory
    Decorates an existing jvm route factory, allowing system property override if defined.
    Paul Ferraro
    • Constructor Detail

      • SystemPropertyJvmRouteFactory

        public SystemPropertyJvmRouteFactory​(JvmRouteFactory factory)
        Creates a new SystemPropertyJvmRouteFactory using the default system PROPERTY.
        factory - the factory from which to generate a jvm route if the default system property is not defined.
      • SystemPropertyJvmRouteFactory

        public SystemPropertyJvmRouteFactory​(JvmRouteFactory factory,
                                             String property)
        Creates a new SystemPropertyJvmRouteFactory
        property - the system property that defines this node's jvm route
        factory - the factory from which to generate a jvm route if the specified system property is not defined.
    • Method Detail

      • createJvmRoute

        public String createJvmRoute​(Engine engine)
        Description copied from interface: JvmRouteFactory
        Creates a unique jvm route for the specified engine.
        Specified by:
        createJvmRoute in interface JvmRouteFactory
        engine - an engine
        a jvm route