Interface Connector

  • All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface Connector
    SPI for a connector, defined as a communication end-point for a client or proxy.
    Paul Ferraro
    • Method Detail

      • isReverse

        boolean isReverse()
        Indicates whether the endpoint of this connector uses a reverse connection to httpd. A reverse connection uses a normal socket connection, instead of the traditional server socket.
        true, if the endpoint uses a reverse connection, false otherwise
      • getType

        Connector.Type getType()
        Indicates the type of this connector.
        a connector type
      • getAddress

        InetAddress getAddress()
        Returns the address on which this connector operates.
        an address
      • setAddress

        void setAddress​(InetAddress address)
        Sets the address on which this connector operates. Used to set an explicit connector address if undefined or defined as any address.
        address - a network interface address
      • getPort

        int getPort()
        Returns the port on which this connector operates.
        a port number
      • isAvailable

        boolean isAvailable()
        Returns whether this connector available for processing requests.
        whether this connector available for processing requests
      • getMaxThreads

        int getMaxThreads()
      • getBusyThreads

        int getBusyThreads()
      • getBytesSent

        long getBytesSent()
      • getBytesReceived

        long getBytesReceived()
      • getRequestCount

        long getRequestCount()