Interface ContainerEventHandler

  • All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface ContainerEventHandler
    Defines the container events to which mod_cluster will respond. This API defines the integration point between mod_cluster and the servlet container.
    Paul Ferraro
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      void add​(Context context)
      Indicates the deployment of a new web application.
      void init​(Server server)
      Triggers the initialization of mod_cluster.
      void remove​(Context context)
      Indicates the undeployment of the specified context.
      void shutdown()
      Triggers the shutdown of mod_cluster.
      void start​(Context context)
      Indicates the specified web application context was started.
      void start​(Server server)
      Indicates the servlet container has been started.
      void status​(Engine engine)
      This is a periodic event that triggers a STATUS command containing newly calculated load factor.
      void stop​(Context context)
      Indicates the specified web application context was stopped.
      void stop​(Server server)
      Indicates the servlet container has been stopped.
    • Method Detail

      • init

        void init​(Server server)
        Triggers the initialization of mod_cluster. This event should be triggered only once, after the startup of the servlet container, but before triggering the start(Server) event.
        server - a server
      • shutdown

        void shutdown()
        Triggers the shutdown of mod_cluster. Closes any resources created in init(Server).
      • add

        void add​(Context context)
        Indicates the deployment of a new web application. This event triggers a ENABLE-APP command for this context, if it is already started.
        context - the added context
      • start

        void start​(Context context)
        Indicates the specified web application context was started. This event triggers an ENABLE-APP command for the specified context.
        context - the started context
      • stop

        void stop​(Context context)
        Indicates the specified web application context was stopped. This event triggers a STOP-APP command for the context started by start(Context).
        context - the stopped context
      • remove

        void remove​(Context context)
        Indicates the undeployment of the specified context. This event triggers a REMOVE-APP command for the specified context.
        context - the removed context
      • status

        void status​(Engine engine)
        This is a periodic event that triggers a STATUS command containing newly calculated load factor. This event also processing of newly added/discovered proxies, and reset of any proxies in error.
        engine - the engine to be processed
      • start

        void start​(Server server)
        Indicates the servlet container has been started. This event triggers the configuration of each servlet engine, and the addition of all web application contexts.
        server - the started server
      • stop

        void stop​(Server server)
        Indicates the servlet container has been stopped. This event triggers the removal of all web application contexts, and REMOVE-APP * of each engine.
        server - the stopped server