The ping/pong is AJP feature that allows to check the availability of a node quickly. It would be possible to add the same feature to the http/https (There already some work done in the ASF httpd dev-list).

It is possible to have 2 kind of ping/pong:

  • a synchronous ping/pong that corresponds to a user request.

  • a asynchronous one that corresponds to a health-check mechanism.

A synchronous prevents broken connection due to timeout bad firewall etc. An asynchronous checks if a node is up at the time of the check.

Why do we need an asynchronous ping/pong.

If a node is connected to 2 Ethernet boards it could happen that the connection between httpd and the node is broken but not the connection to the rest of the cluster.

So a STATUS message from the cluster would put the node back in the UP state with a good load factor (as it is not used). So all the new incoming requests will go to that node and the connection will fail and mod_cluster will have to fail over to another node. That is very bad for the quality of service.

If we do a ping/pong before setting the node to the UP state we could easy prevent this.

Other way to get the feature:

There are some other way to get the feature.

Using a STATUS message from the node to httpd:

To check for a broken connection it is possible to send a STATUS message from the node to httpd. If httpd answers the connection is back.

If not the cluster should think that the node is still DOWN.

Using mod_rewrite and http Connect:

It needs some configuration in httpd something like:

ProxyPass / balancer://cluster stickysession=;jsessionid

NameVirtualHost *:8000

# Virtual host for the cluster manager
<VirtualHost *:8000>
  RewriteEngine On
  RewriteRule /ping/(.*) /*;jsessionid=0.$1 [PT]

A simple request on the http for node like:

GET ping/node1 HTTP/1.0
Ping: On

"Ping: On" is custom header from administrator app that will cause balancer to select node1 and create a request and 200 if the request to node1 is successful in this case the administrator application can then inform the cluster that node1 state can be changed to ENABLE

Using 'OPTIONS ' and internal redirect: