JBoss.orgCommunity Documentation

mod_cluster Documentation

1. Overview
1.1. Platforms
1.2. Advantages
1.3. Requirements
1.4. Limitations
1.6. Configuration
1.7. Migration
1.8. SSL support
1.9. Load Balancing Demo Application
2. Quick Start Guide
2.1. Download mod_cluster components
2.2. Install the httpd binary
2.2.1. Install the whole httpd
2.2.2. Install only the modules
2.2.3. Install in home directory
2.2.4. Install in Windows
2.3. Configure httpd
2.4. Install the server-side binaries
2.4.1. Installing in JBoss AS 6.x
2.4.2. Installing in JBoss AS 5.x
2.4.3. Installing in Tomcat
2.4.4. Installing in JBoss AS 4.2.x or 4.3.x
2.5. Configuring the server-side
2.5.1. Configuring mod_cluster with JBoss AS 5.x+
2.5.2. Configuring mod_cluster with standalone JBoss Web or Tomcat
2.5.3. Integrate mod_cluster with JBoss AS 4.2.x and 4.3.x
2.6. Start httpd
2.7. Start the back-end server
2.7.1. Starting JBoss AS
2.7.2. Starting JBossWeb or Tomcat
2.8. Set up more back-end servers
2.9. Experiment with the Load Balancing Demo Application
3. httpd configuration
3.1. Apache httpd configuration
3.2. mod_proxy configuration
3.3. mod_slotmem configuration
3.4. mod_proxy_cluster
3.4.1. CreateBalancers
3.4.2. UseAlias
3.4.3. LBstatusRecalTime
3.4.4. WaitForRemove
3.4.5. ProxyPassMatch/ProxyPass
3.5. mod_manager
3.5.1. EnableMCPMReceive
3.5.2. MemManagerFile
3.5.3. Maxcontext
3.5.4. Maxnode
3.5.5. Maxhost
3.5.6. Maxsessionid
3.5.7. MaxMCMPMaxMessSize
3.5.8. ManagerBalancerName
3.5.9. PersistSlots
3.5.10. CheckNonce
3.5.11. AllowDisplay
3.5.12. AllowCmd
3.5.13. ReduceDisplay
3.5.14. SetHandler mod_cluster-manager
3.6. mod_advertise
3.6.1. ServerAdvertise
3.6.2. AdvertiseGroup
3.6.3. AdvertiseFrequency
3.6.4. AdvertiseSecurityKey
3.6.5. AdvertiseManagerUrl
3.6.6. AdvertiseBindAddress
3.7. Minimal Example
4. Building httpd modules
4.1. Build a patched httpd from it sources
4.2. Build the 4 modules of mod_cluster
4.3. Build the mod_proxy module
5. Installing httpd modules
5.1. Configuration
5.2. Installing and using the bundles
6. Server-side Configuration
6.1. JBoss AS
6.1.1. Non-clustered mode
6.1.2. Configuration Properties
6.1.3. Connectors
6.1.4. Node Identity
6.2. JBoss Web & Tomcat
6.2.1. Lifecycle Listener
6.2.2. Additional Tomcat dependencies
6.3. Migrating from 1.1.x
6.3.1. mod_cluster-jboss-beans.xml
6.3.2. server.xml
6.4. Migrating from 1.0.x
6.4.1. Dependency with JBoss Web
6.4.2. server.xml
6.4.3. mod_cluster-jboss-beans.xml
7. AS7 modcluster subsystem Configuration
7.1. ModCluster Subsystem in JBoss AS7
7.2. ModCluster Subsystem minimal configuration
7.3. ModCluster Subsystem configuration
7.3.1. mod-cluster-config Attributes
7.3.2. simple-load-provider Attributes
7.3.3. dynamic-load-provider Attributes
7.3.4. load-metric Configuration
7.3.5. custom-load-metric Configuration
7.3.6. load-metric Configuration with the jboss admin console
8. Building Server-Side Components
8.1. Requirements
8.2. Building
8.3. Build Artifacts
9. Server-side Configuration Properties
9.1. Proxy Discovery Configuration
9.2. Proxy Configuration
9.3. SSL Configuration
9.4. Load Configuration for JBoss Web and Tomcat
10. Server-Side Load Metrics
10.1. Web Container metrics
10.1.1. ActiveSessionsLoadMetric
10.1.2. BusyConnectorsLoadMetric
10.1.3. ReceiveTrafficLoadMetric
10.1.4. SendTrafficLoadMetric
10.1.5. RequestCountLoadMetric
10.2. System/JVM metrics
10.2.1. AverageSystemLoadMetric
10.2.2. SystemMemoryUsageLoadMetric
10.2.3. HeapMemoryUsageLoadMetric
10.3. Other metrics
10.3.1. ConnectionPoolUsageLoadMetric
11. Installing Server-Side Components
11.1. Installing in JBoss AS 6.0.0.M1 and up
11.2. Installing in JBoss AS 5.x
11.3. Installing in Tomcat
12. Using SSL in mod_cluster
12.1. Using SSL between JBossWEB and httpd
12.1.1. Apache httpd configuration part
12.1.2. ClusterListener configuration part
12.1.3. mod-cluster-jboss-beans configuration part
12.1.4. How the diferent files were created
12.2. Using SSL between httpd and JBossWEB
12.2.1. How the diferent files were created
12.3. Forwarding SSL browser informations when using http/https between httpd and JBossWEB
13. Migration from mod_jk
14. Migration from mod_proxy
14.1. Workers
14.2. Balancers
15. Load Balancing Demo Application
15.1. Overview
15.2. Basic Usage
15.3. Client Driver Configuration Options
15.4. Load Generation Scenarios
16. Change Log
16.1. 1.2.6.Final (07 September 2013)
16.2. 1.2.5.Final (30 August 2013)
16.3. 1.2.4.Final (24 April 2013)
16.4. 1.2.3.Final (18 October 2012)
16.5. 1.2.2.Final (06 September 2012)
16.6. 1.2.1.Final (03 May 2012)
16.7. 1.2.0.Final (06 February 2012)
16.8. 1.2.0.Beta4 (26 January 2012)
16.9. 1.2.0.Beta3 (03 January 2012)
16.10. 1.2.0.Beta2 (11 December 2011)
16.11. 1.2.0.Beta1 (06 December 2011)
16.12. 1.1.3.Final (12 August 2011)
16.13. 1.1.2.Final (21 April 2011)
16.14. 1.1.1.Final (31 January 2011)
16.15. 1.1.0.Final (13 August 2010)
16.16. 1.1.0.CR3 (15 June 2010)
16.17. 1.1.0.CR2 (11 May 2010)
16.18. 1.1.0.CR1 (22 March 2010)
16.19. 1.1.0.Beta1 (30 October 2009)
17. Frequently Asked questions
17.1. What is Advertise
17.2. What to do if I don't want to use Advertise (multicast):
17.3. I am using Tomcat 7 / 6 what should I do:
17.4. It is not working what should I do:
17.4.1. No error
17.4.2. Error in server.log or catalina.out
17.4.3. Error in error_log
17.5. I have "HTTP/1.1 501 Method Not Implemented"
17.6. Redirect is not working:
17.7. I have more than one Connector mod_cluster does use the right one
17.8. Chrome can't diplay /mod_cluster_manager page
17.9. Using mod_cluster and SELinux.