Interface ModClusterLogger

  • All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface ModClusterLogger
    Paul Ferraro
    • Method Detail

      • catchingDebug

        void catchingDebug​(@Cause
                           Throwable throwable)
        Logging message that logs stack trace at the DEBUG level.
        throwable - Throwable that has been caught
      • init

                 value="Initializing mod_cluster version %s")
        void init​(String version)
      • shutdown

                 value="Initiating mod_cluster shutdown")
        void shutdown()
      • startServer

                 value="Received server start event")
        void startServer()
      • stopServer

                 value="Received server stop event")
        void stopServer()
      • addContext

                 value="Received add context event for %s:%s")
        void addContext​(Host host,
                        Context context)
      • removeContext

                 value="Received remove context event for %s:%s")
        void removeContext​(Host host,
                           Context context)
      • startContext

                 value="Received start context event for %s:%s")
        void startContext​(Host host,
                          Context context)
      • stopContext

                 value="Received stop context event for %s:%s")
        void stopContext​(Host host,
                         Context context)
      • sendEngineCommand

                 value="Sending %s for %s")
        void sendEngineCommand​(MCMPRequestType command,
                               Engine engine)
      • sendContextCommand

                 value="Sending %s for %s:%s")
        void sendContextCommand​(MCMPRequestType command,
                                Host host,
                                Context context)
      • detectJvmRoute

                 value="%s will use %s as jvm-route")
        void detectJvmRoute​(Engine engine,
                            String jvmRoute)
      • detectConnectorAddress

                 value="%s connector will use %s")
        void detectConnectorAddress​(Engine engine,
                                    InetAddress address)
      • drainRequests

                 value="Waiting to drain %d pending requests from %s:%s")
        void drainRequests​(int requests,
                           Host host,
                           Context context)
      • requestsDrained

                 value="All pending requests drained from %s:%s in %.1f seconds")
        void requestsDrained​(Host host,
                             Context context,
                             float seconds)
      • requestDrainTimeout

                 value="Failed to drain %d remaining pending requests from %s:%s within %.1f seconds")
        void requestDrainTimeout​(int requests,
                                 Host host,
                                 Context context,
                                 float seconds)
      • drainSessions

                 value="Waiting to drain %d active sessions from %s:%s")
        void drainSessions​(int sessions,
                           Host host,
                           Context context)
      • sessionsDrained

                 value="All active sessions drained from %s:%s in %.1f seconds")
        void sessionsDrained​(Host host,
                             Context context,
                             float seconds)
      • sessionDrainTimeout

                 value="Failed to drain %d remaining active sessions from %s:%s within %.1f seconds")
        void sessionDrainTimeout​(int sessions,
                                 Host host,
                                 Context context,
                                 float seconds)
      • potentialCrossTalking

                 value="Could not bind multicast socket to %s (%s address): %s; make sure your multicast address is of the same type as the IP stack (IPv4 or IPv6). Multicast socket will not be bound to an address, but this may lead to cross talking (see for details).")
        void potentialCrossTalking​(InetAddress address,
                                   String addressType,
                                   String message)
      • startAdvertise

                 value="Listening to proxy advertisements on %s")
        void startAdvertise​(InetSocketAddress address)
      • advertiseStartFailed

                 value="Failed to start advertise listener")
        void advertiseStartFailed​(@Cause
                                  Throwable cause)
      • parseHeaderFailed

                 value="Failed to parse response header from %2$s for %1$s command")
        void parseHeaderFailed​(@Cause
                               Throwable cause,
                               MCMPRequestType command,
                               InetSocketAddress proxy)
      • unrecoverableErrorResponse

                 value="Unrecoverable syntax error %s sending %s command to %s: %s")
        void unrecoverableErrorResponse​(String errorType,
                                        MCMPRequestType type,
                                        InetSocketAddress proxy,
                                        String message)
      • recoverableErrorResponse

                 value="Error %s sending %s command to %s, configuration will be reset: %s")
        void recoverableErrorResponse​(String errorType,
                                      MCMPRequestType type,
                                      InetSocketAddress proxy,
                                      String message)
      • notSupportedOnSystem

                 value="%s is not supported on this system and will be disabled.")
        void notSupportedOnSystem​(String classname)
      • startSessionDraining

                 value="Starting to drain %d active sessions from %s:%s in %d seconds.")
        void startSessionDraining​(int sessions,
                                  Host host,
                                  Context context,
                                  long timeout)
      • connectorMatchesMultiple

                 value="Multiple connectors match specified host:port (%s)! Ensure connectorPort and/or connectorAddress are configured.")
        RuntimeException connectorMatchesMultiple​(String connector)
      • connectorAddressUnknownHost

                 value="Could not resolve configured connector address (%d)!")
        RuntimeException connectorAddressUnknownHost​(String connectorAddress)
      • invalidInitialLoad

                 value="Initial load must be within the range [0..100] or -1 to not prepopulate with initial load, but was: %d")
        RuntimeException invalidInitialLoad​(int initialLoad)
      • noValidAdvertiseInterfaceConfigured

                 value="No valid advertise interface configured! Disabling multicast advertise mechanism.")
        RuntimeException noValidAdvertiseInterfaceConfigured()
      • createMulticastSocketWithNullMulticastAddress

                 value="Attempted to create multicast socket without multicast address specified! Disabling multicast advertise mechanism.")
        RuntimeException createMulticastSocketWithNullMulticastAddress()
      • createMulticastSocketWithUnicastAddress

                 value="Attempted to create multicast socket with unicast address (%s)! Disabling multicast advertise mechanism.")
        RuntimeException createMulticastSocketWithUnicastAddress​(InetAddress address)
      • startSessionDrainingIndefinitely

                 value="Starting to drain %d active sessions from %s:%s waiting indefinitely until all remaining sessions are drained or expired.")
        void startSessionDrainingIndefinitely​(int sessions,
                                              Host host,
                                              Context context)
      • noConnectorForEngine

                 value="No configured connector for engine %s. If this engine should be used with mod_cluster check connector, connectorPort and/or connectorAddress configuration.")
        void noConnectorForEngine​(String engineName)