Class TomcatEventHandlerAdapter

    • Method Detail

      • containerEvent

        public void containerEvent​(org.apache.catalina.ContainerEvent event)
        Acknowledge the occurrence of the specified event. Note: Will never be called when the listener is associated to a Server, since it is not a Container.
        Specified by:
        containerEvent in interface org.apache.catalina.ContainerListener
      • lifecycleEvent

        public void lifecycleEvent​(org.apache.catalina.LifecycleEvent event)
        Primary entry point for startup and shutdown events. Handles both situations where Listener is defined on either a top-level Server concept or Service in which case only the associated service is handled.
        Specified by:
        lifecycleEvent in interface org.apache.catalina.LifecycleListener
      • isAfterInit

        protected boolean isAfterInit​(org.apache.catalina.LifecycleEvent event)
      • isBeforeDestroy

        protected boolean isBeforeDestroy​(org.apache.catalina.LifecycleEvent event)
      • init

        protected void init​(org.apache.catalina.Server server)
      • destroy

        protected void destroy​(org.apache.catalina.Server server)
      • addListeners

        protected void addListeners​(org.apache.catalina.Server server)
      • removeListeners

        protected void removeListeners​(org.apache.catalina.Server server)